Stand With Ukraine

Friday, September 19, 2014

Youtube videos in chromium on OpenSuse 13.1

Recently I got tired and fed up with ubuntu/kubuntu and decided to go back to Opensuse 13.1. I installed it and almost everything works OK now. I do still have some troubles reanimating WIFI after sleep (I have to go to network configuration and enter my password for selected network). But this post is about video, so if you have chromium installed but youtube videos do not play then the following might help you solve your issue:
    sudo zypper rm chromium-ffmpeg
The above will remove chromium-ffmpeg and will install chromium-ffmpegsumo. If you do not have chromium-ffmpegsumo installed then install it:
    sudo zypper in chromium-ffmpegsumo
Hope this will help someone to make opensuse more enjoyable. Anyway even with these 2 annoyances I like opensuse more than ubuntu. (Maybe because I have not used it long enough yet:))

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

netcdf4-python copying variables from one netcdf file to another

This has arisen as a problem of converting NETCDF4 to NETCDF3_CLASSIC which is still used by some old software. I did try nc4tonc3 provided with netCDF4 but that one also wanted the input file in NETCDF4_CLASSIC format... That is why I wrote this little script to actually copy variables and dimensions. There were no attributes in the files, so I did not care to handle attributes.

From a comment by Nikolay Koldunov, there is a utility for this tasks nccopy ...